This group of young boys and girls and adult men and women assist our parish priests in the celebration of the Eucharist. Coordinator for Servers:
Instructions for Main Servers (Cross bearer and two candle bearers):
Cross Bearers
Leads the procession in to the altar.
Wait for the candle bearers and bow on the first step of the sanctuary.
Put cross in the stand.
Brings sacramentary book to priest for opening prayers.
Brings petition book to the priest for intercessions.
Sets altar at the offertory placing the sacramentary book and stand to the left, and the chalice and communion plates on the right edge of the altar. (Do not place anything in the middle of the altar.)
Receive the hosts at the offertory and place them on the right side of the altar.
Kneel in the middle of the front step of the altar for the Eucharistic Prayer.
Ring bell:
Once when priest holds hands over the altar gifts.
Three times when the priest raises the host, and again when he raises the chalice.
Come to the priest on the left side of the altar for both the sign of peace and receiving Holy Communion.
Clear the altar of the chalice, sacramentary book, and communion plates when the priest goes to his chair.
Brings sacramentary book to the priest for the closing prayer.
Leads the procession out at the end of Mass
Candle Bearers
Process in with candles just behind the cross.
Bow with the cross bearer at on the first step of the sanctuary.
Place the candles on either side of the credence table.
Go to your place at the wooden bench.
At the Gospel, get your candles and meet the priest in the front of the altar, bow and go to the ambo holding candles on either side.
After the Gospel return the candles to the credence table, bowing at the center of the altar as you cross.
At the offertory, help the priest receive the gifts of water and wine.
Present the water and wine to the priest offering the handles of the cruets to the priest.
Place the cruets in the glass dish.
Bring the pitcher, dish, and cloth to the priest for the washing of hands. One holds the pitcher and dish, the other holds the cloth (one washer, one dryer).
Return the pitcher, dish, and cloth to the credence table.
Kneel in front of the altar on either side of the cross bearer for the Eucharistic Prayer.
Come to the priest on the left side of the altar for both the sign of peace and receiving Holy Communion.
The one who presented the water should come to the priest and pour the water over his fingers, returning the water back to the credence table.
At the end of Mass retrieve the candles and stand at the bottom of the step on either side of the candle bearer.
When the priest genuflects you bow, turn, and process out behind the cross bearer.
Duties Before Mass
Vest in red robes, rope cincture, and cross.
Cross bearer should light the candles on the altar, credence table, and near tabernacle. Then, the cross bearer should put out the chalice and communion plates on the credence table (if they are not already out).
Candle bearers should bring water, wine, hosts, and offertory basket back to the round table at the entrance of the church (if they are not already back there).
Duties After Mass
Cross bearer should extinguish candles in the sanctuary, and bring the chalice into the sacristy.
Candle bearers should bring the water, wine, and communion plates into the sacristy.
Take robes off, handing them up nicely, and placing the ropes on the rope hook and cross on the wall hooks.